25+ training plans
Season planning with one touch
Plan an entire season, a second half or a specific topic in just a few minutes - no problem with our high-quality, tried-and-tested plans.

25+ plans for every training phase
Find the perfect plans to suit your team. Regardless of age or ability, we have something for everyone.
Each training plan is described in detail and can be integrated into your calendar with just a few clicks.
15+ categories
Search for suitable plans for your team in the desired category.
Let your creativity run wild and create your own plans.
Teile Pläne mit deinen Trainerkollegen und arbeite so noch effizienter zusammen.
Persönliche Notizen
Erweitere Pläne mit deinen persönlichen Notizen. Auch wenn du die Trainings teilst, bleiben die Notizen privat.
Kopieren und editieren
Du kannst Coaching Zone-Inhalte kopieren und nach deinen Wünschen anpassen. So kannst du z. B. die Reihenfolge der Trainings jederzeit verändern.
Markiere Pläne als Favoriten, um sie noch schneller zu finden.
Trainingskalender und Pläne
Definiere die trainingsfreien Tage und füge Pläne mit wenigen Klicks deinem Kalender hinzu. Du brauchst keine zwei Minuten, um eine ganze Saison zu planen.
Our training plans are comprehensive
Our training plans for football are ready to use at any time. If you don't have much time for planning, you can access them straight away and use our perfectly coordinated compilations of football exercises with a technical and tactical focus. From technical training to goalkeeper training, you'll find everything you need for good football training. Use our training plans with a wide range of exercises for football training to make your planning easier.
Systematic training plans
Our wide range of training plans can be used immediately to set challenging and motivating training tasks that cover all aspects of the game of football.
Systematic development
Our training plans systematically build on each other, take into account the athletic development of the players and facilitate training planning and time management for the coaches.
Systematic individuality
With our software, coaches set individual tasks for their players to complete within a given time frame and gradually develop into flexible decision-makers.